:orphan: .. _ref_pymath_examples: Examples ======== These examples show how you use the PyAnsys Math library. .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnails"> .. thumbnail-parent-div-open .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="This example shows how to perform these tasks:"> .. only:: html .. image:: /examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_ansys-math_vs_scipy_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_ansys-math_vs_scipy.py` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">Compute Eigenvalues using PyAnsys Math and SciPy</div> </div> .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="This tutorial shows how you can use PyAnsys Math for basic operations on AnsMath vectors and matrices in the APDL memory workspace."> .. only:: html .. image:: /examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_basic_operations_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_basic_operations.py` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">PyAnsys Math basic operations</div> </div> .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="This example uses a verification manual input file, but you can use your own sparse or dense matrices."> .. only:: html .. image:: /examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_eigen_solve_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_eigen_solve.py` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">Use PyAnsys Math to solve eigenproblems</div> </div> .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="This example shows how to get AnsMath sparse matrices into SciPy sparse matrices."> .. only:: html .. image:: /examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_scipy_sparse_matrix_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_scipy_sparse_matrix.py` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">AnsMath sparse matrices and SciPy sparse matrices</div> </div> .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="Use PyAnsys Math to solve a dense matrix linear system"> .. only:: html .. image:: /examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_solve_dense_matrix_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_solve_dense_matrix.py` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">Use PyAnsys Math to solve a dense matrix linear system</div> </div> .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="Using PyAnsys Math, you can solve linear systems of equations based on sparse or dense matrices."> .. only:: html .. image:: /examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_solve_sparse_matrix_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_solve_sparse_matrix.py` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">Perform sparse factorization and solve operations</div> </div> .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbcontainer" tooltip="Manipulate AnsMath vectors or dense matrices as NumPy arrays"> .. only:: html .. image:: /examples/images/thumb/sphx_glr_use_numpy_arrays_thumb.png :alt: :ref:`sphx_glr_examples_use_numpy_arrays.py` .. raw:: html <div class="sphx-glr-thumbnail-title">Manipulate AnsMath vectors or dense matrices as NumPy arrays</div> </div> .. thumbnail-parent-div-close .. raw:: html </div> .. toctree:: :hidden: /examples/ansys-math_vs_scipy /examples/basic_operations /examples/eigen_solve /examples/scipy_sparse_matrix /examples/solve_dense_matrix /examples/solve_sparse_matrix /examples/use_numpy_arrays .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery <https://sphinx-gallery.github.io>`_